Hey there!
Kara the Mom nurse to five here. I want to address something that has been on my mind for awhile. It feels like some days I have become someone I don't even know, and maybe you feel that way too!
Does it feel like you are just washing the floor for the 100th time or maybe you just finished the dishes only to turn around and there is still a mess in the living room? Maybe you finally sat down to put your feet up and realized that its now time to start supper.
The constant commands and duties around the house are wearing on you and you don't even have time to read that book you picked up a few weeks ago?
I've been there. Still am there some days. Finding myself amongst the chaos of five children and a changed life has made me out to be someone i'm not some days. I get angry and frustrated over the littlest things. I sometimes feel like i'm not valued! I'm taken for granted!
Have you ever felt that way? I get it. I have been there too. That is why I created this e-journal guide for you, to find yourself. Get back to your passions and find what makes your heart sing!!! Maybe your passions have changed, but maybe you want to get back to those things that make you feel like YOU. What is it that is holding you back?
When life presents you with crystal clear signs, and you just can't see through that crystal, it's time to re-define who you are. What makes you passionate about life again? What things do you enjoy? and furthermore, when and where can you make the time for them? This guide will ask you all those questions and more.
Find yourself and feel the passion for life again. Feel like yourself again! The time is now. Your kids depend on you, and so do you. Be who you are meant to be. Sing in the shower again! Play with the kids, let your inner child come out. Just because we are adults doesn't mean we need to act like adults ALL of the time! Skip downstairs, smile! Be yourself.
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~Bernard Baruch
You got this mama!!!
Much Love,
Kara- The Mom Nurse
P.S. When you are ready, here are a few things that I can help you with:
~Nurse Mom Toolbox (What I pack when I've got a diaper bag along!)
~Join the Facebook Group Here. This is for kind and tender-hearted mama's like yourself, that are needing a little support in your life!
~The Idea Cloud. It's what I created to keep your kids off the screen and busy doing things that I did as a kid! :-)