My Favorite Herbal Teas

My Favorite Herbal Teas
Hey there! My name is Kara and I help other mama's find and maintain natural wellness. 

I want to talk to you about my favorite herbal teas!!!

1. Green Tea
I love green tea, and I buy from a trusted organic source. The brand is Uncle Lee's Organic Green Tea. I say organic because you don't want to be drinking those nasty chemicals that many farmers use in practice. :-)

2. Sleepytime Tea
This is great for those of you that want an caffeine free option before bed, it helps soothe the stomach and is also good for calming before bed. 

3. Mama's Milk Tea
I love this one even when I am not nursing, because it tastes so good! It has a blend of many different herbs that can help increase your milk supply, but it's also great for soothing your tummy. 

I add raw, local honey if I need a sweetener at times, but usually I just drink it plain. I also will add a few essential oils if I need a pick-me up, peppermint or spearmint.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Please feel free to join our open-minded mama's group here!

Also- here is where you can find five tips for ordinary mom's who want to become semi-"au-naturale"

Stomach bug going around your place too?

Stomach bug going around your place too?
Hey there! My name is Kara and I help other mama's achieve and maintain natural wellness. 

We have the stomach bug going on around here and I wanted to let you all know what we do to support those poor tummies!

First, Grab yourself some tummygize essential oil. This works wonders for even just helping the kids smell something other than the pukes. It supports a healthy digestive system!!! I grab that oil and slather it all over their tummies. Right in the belly button works GREAT. 

Second, equip the house with the BRAT Diet- Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast Diet! Not much else to say about that one. 

Third, a warm or cool pack of rice for their tummies. I actually just fill an old long sock with rice, tie the ends and either put in the microwave for 20-30 seconds, or in the freezer depending on which you or your child prefers. Rice doesn't hold the heat or the cold super long, but its a great relief for a couple minutes!

These remedies have supported our needs and reccomend them to you and your family! 

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

Please feel free to join our open-minded mama group here!

Fussy Baby?

Fussy Baby?
Hello there! 

My name is Kara and I help other mama's achieve and maintain natural wellness!

Today I wanted to talk about fussing babies. Have you ever felt like things are just not going your way? You're so frustrated because your baby is so fussy but you have no idea why? Here a couple tried and true tips i've done with my babies in the past.

1. Remain calm
Babies pick up on your emotional state quickly and if you are stressed, so will they be! Pull out the peace and calming essential oil, or one that works best for you to ground yourself. 

2. Take a time out for yourself.
When you're dealing with other children at home too and a fussy baby, things can get stressful fast. Keep your cool and if you have to, put baby in a safe place for a few minutes with a locked door away from the other kids, and then do some deep breathing exercises- whatever you need to do to gather your feelings. 

3. Ask a neighbor for help.
Sometimes just simply asking for help when you need it can be a lifesaver!!! We sometimes feel like we have failed if we can't figure out what's wrong, but this is NORMAL!!! You can and SHOULD ask for help when you need it the most. This can be so hard to admit that you are in over your head and that you need help, but its OK! 

4. Ask yourself these questions.
First thing to ask yourself, is baby hungry? Second is, is baby tired? Third is, is baby gassy? 
Then re-evaluate if you need, but sometimes it's just a basic need that you may be missing and its super simple! Sometimes it can be a deeper issue such as colic or mis-alignment Make sure you always check with your doctor if you have any concerns, mama knows best!

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day, and I hope these tips can help you in your near future! 

Please feel free to join this open-minded mama group here!

Also here is five tips for ordinary mom's who want to become semi natural :-)

What do you remember about your parents’ home remedies?

What do you remember about your parents’ home remedies?

Let’s face reality: 

When your kids are sick you want nothing more than for them to feel better, right?! Nobody likes to feel yucky! 

There’s always some remedy of some sort that you can try this or try that. 

Growing up, what was a memory you had of your mom or dad giving you so you can feel better?! 

Mine is thieves lozenges, essential oils, humidifiers Etc from my mom and also my dad making us take extra vitamin C in OJ or water and gargling with salt water ðŸ˜†

My kids will have memories of ibuprofen or Tylenol, and lots of essential oils. In fact, my kids will ask for them!!! 

There’s a lot of hype going around about essential oils, but I think of them as another tool in my mama wellness kit ðŸ˜ƒ

I also believe modern medicine plays a role in our kids wellness and I feel there is a great need for more information on boosting overall wellness in your kids, so they can arm themselves with the best knowledge to take care of themselves once they are older!

I would like to invite you to join our facebook group of open-minded mama's here!

Here is also five tips for ordinary mom's who want to start becoming semi-natural!!!

Beat those postpartum baby blues!

Beat those postpartum baby blues!
Hey there!

My name is Kara and I help other mama's with postpartum, newborns, breastfeeding and beyond! Today I want to tell you about an essential oil blend that has helped me keep an even or more stable mood after having a baby. 

After having a baby, your hormones are all trying to get back on track. It's normal for many mom's to experience what's called the "baby  blues" but you can stay ahead of the game and use an essential oil blend I have used to combat and stay off the huge dips of feeling so sad after baby arrives.

I used this once a day for two weeks straight and have found that it has helped me tremendously in remaining stable and also boosts my energy a bit as well because it smells good too!!!

If you want my secret sauce, click the link here to get it!

I also highly recommend staying well hydrated, seeking help when you need it (even if you think you might not want it) and getting rest when the baby rests. 

If you feel you have developed post-partum depression, please reach out to your doctor as this is not intended to provide medical advice or replace what your medical provider can give you. 

If you would like to, please feel free to join our open-minded mama FB group here where we talk about all things mama related!

You got this mama!!! 

Much Love,

Kara- The Mom Nurse

P.S. When you are ready, here are a few things that I can help you with:

~Three Day Cleaning Blitz- an intense texting series designed to keep you motivated and moving!

~Join the Facebook Group Here. This is for you mama's who are looking for support in parenting, motherhood and hacks/tips.

~The Idea Cloud. It's what I created to keep your kids off the screen and busy doing things that I did as a kid! :-)

Favorite products to use for baby.

Hey there! My name is Kara and I help other mama's find natural wellness for their homes.

Today I would like to show you the products I use on my babies and why they are my favorite.

Animal Scents Ointment
Wait, what? Isn't this for animals? Yes it is formulated for animals, but it has so many uses for us humans too! I used this for rashes on their little bums, little bumps the kids get, and i've also used it for that scaly stuff the babies get on their heads too, it has a more formal name but we will refer to it as the scaly stuff. I put it on their scalp, let it sit for 30 minutes or so, and then it helps scrape off that scaly stuff much easier. You can leave it on longer if this isn't enough time. 

Seedlings Line
I love the smell of the seedlings wipes, they are sooo lovely! I use these for the newborns on their gentle skin, and also sometimes they get some crud under their necks- these are good for wiping away the crud that gets stuck in those folds, and also then the animal scents ointment comes in great here too! I also love the seedlings bath soap. It smells so gentle and is good for their little bodies too. I use the linen spray for room spray too :-)

Calm Essential Oil
This is great for those fussy evenings when baby just wants to be held. Rub some calm oil on their little tootsies and start singing and rocking them.

Owl Diffuser
This is good to use all day long, diffuse calm oil, or any calming oil will do. My kids love these in their rooms too!

I also have diapers and wipes and any onsies and one piece outfits washed and ready at all times. :-)

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day!

Kara J

I would like to invite you to join our open-minded mama's facebook group here!

Also- here are five tips for ordinary mom's who want to become semi-natural!

How teething affects babies and four home remedies

How teething affects babies and four home remedies
Hello there! 

My name is Kara and I help other nurse mama's become stay at home mama's!

***This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Please see my full disclosure for further information.***

This blog post is all about teething! I have baby number 5 right now teething, he just turned one. He has been popping those back molars and man is life rough for him! ;-)

When babies are teething, they can be irritable, fussier than usual, increased drool and some of my babies have gotten a low grade fever, some get a diaper rash with diarrhea. Some babies don't eat as much or don't have much of an appetite while teething but the best thing you can do is help them through this stage!

The symptoms can vary but ultimately when your baby starts acting differently and sleeping differently you can almost guarantee they are teething. One of my babies even got an ear infection every time he was teething. Imagine those nights...

Here are some helpful home remedies that can help you with supporting your baby during this time, that have worked wonders for us! Just remember each baby is different and reacts differently to teething. Some of my babies you wouldn't have even known they were teething! 

(also remember when you've tried everything, it's ok to give a little tylenol or ibuprofen when they are just so irritable and inconsolable. I always try these remedies first then go for the pain medications.)

Amber Teething Necklace

The belief with amber is that the babies body heat causes the amber to release oils that contain succinic acid which is thought to help with the teething pain. My experience with amber teething necklaces is that it really helps cut back on the drooling that happens with teething, so even if it doesn't so much help with the pain, I have noticed a significant decrease in how much my baby drools. 

You need to wear this consecutively for a few days but you should see a big difference! Please be aware of the safety implications like not wearing it on them when they are sleeping etc...)

Copaiba Essential Oil

This essential oil is thought to help with easing discomfort with the teething. I have used this with great success in many of my five babies. You need to reapply this often within the first hour you notice the irritability. Dilute if need be- I have created a guide here.

Arnica Tablets

These are thought and believed to help temporarily relieve the symptoms of restlessness during sleep due to them cutting teeth. I have used these with great success, but you do need to dissolve them first before giving them to baby. 

This also you must give frequently the first hour or two to start to notice a difference.

Cold/Frozen Washcloth

We have wet a washcloth and put in the freezer or fridge to cool. Then give to baby to chew on! This is great. :-)

These are the remedies I have used with great success, and I know you will find relief for your baby!!!

You got this mama!!! 

Much Love,

Kara- The Mom Nurse

P.S. When you are ready, here are a few things that I can help you with:

~Finding Yourself-(A FREE guide to re-defining your inner strengths)

~Join the Facebook Group Here. This is for kind and tender-hearted nurse mama's like yourself, that are needing a little support in your life!

~The Idea Cloud. It's what I created to keep your kids off the screen and busy doing things that I did as a kid! :-)

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